Bluebell Gardening is being created at a time when the bluebells are coming into flower, and the stunning displays of blue carpets, can be seen in many woods. I like nothing better than to visit the woods on an early morning run, it always makes me smile and appreciate the wonder of nature as spring rushes in.
Springtime is a busy time in the garden, there are so many jobs to be done and it is a race against time to beat the weather and the appearance of new growth within our gardens.
As a female gardener, its a good workout in the garden and you soon get used to it, especially digging the veggie beds! I have worked in a commercial nursery which grows bedding plants, perennials and soft fruit bushes. I now grow many plants and veg myself from seed, and various propagation methods. With a large garden, orchard, raised beds and a fruit cage with soft fruit bushes you are always learning something new! I have enjoyed helping several friends setting up new gardens and renovating old ones.
Bluebell gardening is here to help you make the most of your garden by taking care of the day to day and seasonal maintenance, leaving you more time to enjoy your garden, socializing, or just chilling out. There are times when you don't feel like spending hours bent over weeding, dead heading your daffs, or raking the fallen leaves from the lawn.
Here is a small example of what I do for day to day maintenance.
- Weeding
- Dead-heading
- Trimming plants and shrubs
- Advice on planting and sourcing trees and shrubs for your garden.
- Border maintenance, planting, staking, mulching, edging.
- Lawn cutting and edging
- Light pruning
- Allotment help
Seasonally also